8-mi Mart je oduvek bio poseban datum u našem Buddha Baru! 🌹
Ove godine smo pripremili posebno iznenađenje u vidu degustacionog menija koji će Vama i vašim voljenim damama pružiti priliku da doživite čarobno Buddha-Bar iskustvo, u kojem se gastronomski ukusi istoka harmonično spajaju sa nezaboravnim ambijentom i originalnom muzikom. ❤️
Za informacije i rezervacije pozovite nas na: +381 60 0225907 +381 11 4125601
The 8th of March has always been a special date in our Buddha Bar! 🌹
This year we have prepared a special surprise in the form of a tasting menu that will give you and your beloved ladies the opportunity to experience a magical Buddha-Bar experience, in which the gastronomic flavors of the East harmoniously combine with an unforgettable ambiance and original music. ❤️
For information and reservations, call us at: +381 60 0225907 +381 11 4125601